Sunday, January 4, 2015

DIY Crate Boxes

I have been on a DIY kick this past winter break, and my most recent project has been converting these crates into decor pieces for my room. Now crates are something you can do so so so much with. I have seen people use them as book shelves, storage units, bathroom decor pieces, etc. If you google or Pinterest any DIY for crates you get so many options, and I definitely recommend going through them. My idea is simple and easy, and will probably not take you more than an hour to do. Enough banter let me show you how I converted these simple crates to cute room decor pieces for a fairly cheap price! 

-Two small wooden crates (purchased from Michael's on sale for $3)
-Spray paint, you can use any color I chose brown ($3 from Walmart)
-Random Misc items to put in crate

For the setup, since I spray painted I went outside so the smell wouldn't spread through my house. I took an old shower curtain which was dirty from previous art projects as my surface to spray paint on. 

 I coated the front and the sides of the crates about 2 times to get a nice dark brown coat. I did not spray the back of the box because it is going to be covered by the wall, so its kind of a waste.

In a disposable plate I squeezed out some dark brown paint to paint on the sides of the crate, to give it an old tattered look. This is an optional step but I loved how it turned out, and I painted it by randomly stroking the paintbrush on different parts of the crate. 

 Now it is upto you on what you would like to put in the crates. I took a mason jar stuffed some red wrapping tissue paper in it and some fake flowers, I then placed two candles on its sides. I have seen people place old clocks, picture frames, and books in their crates so this is where you can get creative!

 I hung them up on my wall by nail, however you can use adhesive tape along with double sided tape to prevent damaging your walls.

For the second crate I placed a chalkboard (which I also DIYed with chalk paint) along with a beaded chain wrapped on the side of the crate, along with a few pieces of chalk.

If you try this project let me know, and remember to have fun!